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Konkursinio balo skaičiuoklė
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Žurnalas KUO BŪTI
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Konkursinio balo skaičiuoklė 2024
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Universitetų sritis
Generolo Jono Žemaičio Lietuvos karo akademija
Kauno technologijos universitetas
Lietuvos sporto universitetas
Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas
Mykolo Romerio universitetas
Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
Kolegijų sritis
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Klaipėdos valstybinė kolegija
Straipsniai pagal autorių: web.lcc
LCC tarptautinis universitetas
LCC linki sėkmės egzaminuose
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Dvyliktokams vasaros pradžia yra išties kupina streso ir jaudulio. LCC tarptautinis universitetas linki Jums sėkmės egzaminuose ir puikių rezultatų. Nesijaudinkite, gyvenimas tik prasideda!
LCC tarptautinis universitetas
Volunteering Is Exciting
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2004 alumna, Lorna Qesteri, does not seem to lack life energy, as she has been involved with multiple activities since her graduation from LCC. Studying for a Master’s degree in Philadelphia, teaching Economics in Lithuania, volunteering in Ecuador and Kosovo, working for the United Nations in her home country of Albania – this is what Lorna has been doing for the last decade. We wonder, “What’s next?”
LCC tarptautinis universitetas
M.B.A. Program Exceeds Students' Expectations
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Customers are the ones whose opinion of the product matters the most. Three students shared their first impressions of the M.A. in International Management / M.B.A. program. Rogerio De Souza Silva from Londrina, Brazil, currently a Commercial Manager, Aistė Kaušakytė from Vilnius, Lithuania, currently a Marketing Coordinator, and Devon Kauffeldt from Toronto, Canada, currently an Assistant Manager at “Starbucks” agree – the program certainly exceeded their expectations.
LCC tarptautinis universitetas
Two Programs Ranked Best in Lithuania
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Independent magazine "Reitingai" (eng. Rankings) ranked LCC’s International Business Administration program as well as English Language and Literature program to be the best among similar programs offered by other Lithuanian universities. Theology program came in second among the best in the country.
LCC tarptautinis universitetas
Atradimai – gyvenimo ir knygų puslapiuose
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Kretingiškė Lina Suodytė šiuo metu studijuoja leidybos magistrantūros studijas Niujorke, tačiau smalsumas ją paskatino ne tik domėtis, kaip į skaitytojų rankas atkeliauja knygos, bet ir pačiai išbandyti rašytojo plunksną.
LCC tarptautinis universitetas
Europietiškas diplomas vertinamas labiau
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Vos šešiolikos į Klaipėdą iš Kazachstano studijuoti atvykusią Daną Žolšą (Zholsha) sužavėjo Baltijos jūra ir lietuviški miškai, tačiau pasilikti čia visam laikui aktyvi mergina neketina – jau turi gausybę planų, ką galės nuveikti grįžusi į gimtinę su Lietuvoje įgytu aukštuoju išsilavinimu.
LCC tarptautinis universitetas
LCC Attracts And Unites So Many Great People
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"Whatever you do, do it well, or don't do it at all," says Milda Dzidolikienė (Lekšaitė), LCC International University's Alumna from 2006. She knows what she is talking about. At the moment, Milda is one of the key figures at Barclays Technology Centre Lithuania in Vilnius which is a part of the international Barclays banking group.
LCC tarptautinis universitetas
President’s Leadership Scholarship at LCC
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LCC International University provides a distinctive education in broad disciplines, and a unique student life experience through the four years of study. Students that are strong academically, and active outside of classes, are rewarded for their efforts.
LCC tarptautinis universitetas
Study Abroad: “Lithuania? Where Is It and Why?”
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This semester LCC International University hosted the biggest to-date group of the risk-takers, as the participants of the Study Abroad program are being referred to. Five bravest (of 49) North American students agreed to share their stories.
LCC tarptautinis universitetas
Persistance in Achieving Your Dreams
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"I did not imagine working for Warner Bros. or any other studio, but I feel happy that my professional career took this turn," says LCC International University's alumna, Eleonora Jonušienė, who is now enjoying her breathtaking international career at Warner Bros. – one of the largest and most famous companies in the film-making industry.
LCC tarptautinis universitetas
People Who Are Entrepreneurs – They Just Do It
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What is entrepreneurship? Most dictionaries would define it as a process of getting into business which includes starting the process, organizing one’s resources, and taking risks. In other words, as many business owners claim, it’s all about hard work. LCC can definitely be proud of its hard-working students and alumni that apply their knowledge and experience to creating successful businesses.
LCC tarptautinis universitetas
The Feeling of Landing Your First Job
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LCC International University has seen many of its alumni make great achievements in their careers. Diana Blažaitienė is an example of an LCC alumni who has worked hard and been rewarded for it. Diana started her own company in the field of personnel recruitment. Today her company is thriving and expanding overseas. As Diana has gained a great deal of experience in recruitment, she is sharing the essentials for young professionals who will be fighting for their first professional positions.
LCC tarptautinis universitetas
Amerikietiškas išsilavinimas Lietuvos pajūryje
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1991-aisiais įkurtas LCC tarptautinis universitetas, siūlantis amerikietiškojo tipo artes liberales išsilavinimą, sėkmingai įsitvirtino Klaipėdoje ir skaičiuoja savo 23-iuosius metus. Beveik 1500 absolventų per du dešimtmečius paruošęs, vieną moderniausių Lietuvoje studentų miestelių pastatęs ir puikią reputaciją tiek regione, tiek užsienyje pelnęs universitetas pastaruosius akademinius metus pasitiko rekordu – praėjusįjį rugsėjį auditorijose susirinko studentai net iš 25 valstybių.
LCC tarptautinis universitetas
The First Philanthropy Institute in the Region
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Even though LCC International University started the Institute for Philanthropy back in October of 2013, its official launch is scheduled for June 5–7 when the first ever Philanthropy Forum will take place at LCC with speakers and guests coming from as far as North America.
Žurnalas KUO BŪTI
#aukštosios mokyklos
#profesinės mokyklos
#Žurnalas "Kur stoti"