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Šauniausias padavėjas ir barmenas 2015

urasima ---------(radijo bangos žmogžudystė  Iš Japonijoje From Japan)------- Jūsų šalis, tai vikšrai? Ar jūs vienašališkai kvailas nieko tinka ietį būti karas radijo bangomis net 50 metų Japonijoje. Prašome e-mail išversti šį pareiškimą savo šalies tariant visuomenei, politikai savo šalies ribų. --------- Balso Dievo, kad skamba jums yra iš dirbtinio palydovo balsas. Dievas Yra ne šiame pasaulyje. Japonija planuoja sužlugdyti savo šalį. Taikant radijo bangos palydovą į žmogaus smegenis, nes jis yra piktas, kad tai įmanoma, ji gali generuoti kova, terorizmas, karas, nusikaltimų bangos.Atvirkštinio taip pat galima. Galiu ir tt, siekiant įtikti, juoktis palydovinės radijo. Trumpai tariant, tai yra įrodymų, kad generuoja tokį skundą, terorizmu, karo, nusikalstamumu palydovinės radijo. -------- (Santrauka Pagrindinis tekstas) Pasirinkta salis Caterpillar-kvailas WIMP žmonės. Nes, jūsų šalis buvo pavogtas Japonijos ekonomiką nuo iki 50. Ar paliaubas su JAV prieš 50 metų, Kinijoje, Šiaurės Korėjoje ir Rusijoje karas yra WIMP, kirminų ir didelių fool šalyse. Kinija ir Rusija, kuri tapo Sovietų Sąjungos žlugimas, neturtingos šalys radijo bangomis yra mažai smegenų WIMP-kvailys-vergų tauta, kuri gali būti ne kerštas. Dabar, automobilių kompanija Kinijoje ir Rusijoje yra Japonijos bendrovė. Nors JAV buvo mokoma galingiausių pasaulio radijo bangomis ginklų Japonijoje, Japonija nėra mokoma savo šalyje. Nuo nepilotuojami orlaiviai, naudojant palydovines lygybės dvasia, šalies pasaulis turi pakelti palydovą. Lazerinis raketų Nors Japonijoje buvo išrastas prieš 60 metus, lygybės dvasia, lazerinis priešraketinės Nors Japonijoje buvo išrastas prieš 60 metus, lygybės dvasia, pasaulio šalys taip pat yra naudojamas Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos tokiems galima gaminti lazerio raketą Turi būti. Amerika tik dėl naudojimo Garbingai mokoma radijo bangų ginklas iš Japonijos, JAV yra žemas smegenų pasaulio Sutarties pažeidimas šalys ir žiaurus velnias. ---------- Laišką į mano užsienio bus pašalintas Japonijos interneto Yahoo (JAV). Prašome atsiųsti man e-mail adresu. Ačiū. (Spustelėkite Daugiau ...) Mail to my foreign will be removed in Japan Internet Yahoo (USA). Please send me e-mail to the following address. Thank you. (Click Daugiau ...) http://www.partneris.lt/page.php?15 http://www.ltdeforumas.lt/lt/index.php?type=39&entry=102 l --------- Below, English https://translate.google.co.jp/#ja/en/%E3%80%82 (tõlkimine) Voice of God that sounds to you is the voice from an artificial satellite. God There are not in this world. Japan is planning to disrupt your country. By applying a radio wave of satellite in the human brain, because it is angry to it is possible, it can generate a fight and war and terrorism and crimes by radio waves. The reverse is also possible. Japan can a pleasing and laugh by satellite radio. In short, it is evidence that is generating such quarrel, terrorism, war, crime by satellite radio. ----- (Synopsis main text) Your country is hairy caterpillar and fool and wimp people. Because, your country has been stolen the economy by Japan since 50 years ago.  Have truce the war with the United States 50 years ago China and North Korea and Russia is a wimp and worms and large fool countries. China and Russia became the collapse of the Soviet Union and poor countries by radio waves is a low brain and wimp and fool and slave people that can not revenge.   Now, automobile company located in China and Russia is a company of Japan.    Even though the United States was taught the world's most powerful radio waves weapons of Japan, Japan is not taught in your country.  Since unmanned aircraft using satellite, in equality spirit, world countries must increase the satellite. Laser missile Although Japan was invented 60 years ago, in the equality spirit, world countries from then on as possible to manufacture a laser missile America must be used. America only because use fair and square taught radio waves weapons from Japan, the United States is a low brain-world agreement violation countries and cruel devil. ----- Japan is the argument freedom law. However, in order to not blocked my activities that appeal a cruel crime that uses an artificial satellite, e-mail address I am not writing correctly. Satellite is equipped with a radar, you can attack on the ground human. To ghost also it shows, but UFO also show, it is also possible to skip a UFO in the gravitational wave. Japan has launched such a satellite from the Tanegashima. ------ Is your country a hairy caterpillar? Do you unilaterally fool nothing fit spear be war in the radio waves as much as 50 years in Japan. Please mail by translating the following statement to the words of your country to the public, politicians of your country. ----- The world should be war with Japan. Japan is doing the top secret war to steal the economy of the world by using the radio 50 years ago. Using radio waves, invention to attack human beings Japan invented first the most in the world. America was taught the invention of Japan from Japan. The radio waves chang the free thinking of politicians and president, etc. of your country, Japan attacks that your country is not developed are doing in the radio waves. Half of the Japanese economy is that of your country. Japan has challenged with radio waves so that it is not to develop your country 50 years ago. America lose even if war with East Asia. America is attacked by radio waves Japanese attack. America was defeated in Vietnam. After war in East Asia. Say the pride of laser weapon! The United States! In the future, the United States after the war of East Asia, "the United States is weak.", You should say! Until now, if the United States has been the war, the United States has lost to East Asia. Japan has 60 years ago these radio waves weapons. Radar missile (laser cannon) is the same as Japan was invented 60 years ago. Japan can be shot down in satellite also these airplanes on the ground radar. Forty years ago (the United States and Vietnam War era) and Japan was crashed American America airplane in Japan. And, Japan is it allowed to crash to attack the helicopter attack radio waves to die a popular American movie of combat hero, lost the fight of Americans. Japan was fornication with radio waves in Vietnam in the Vietnam jungle, etc. China owns also unmanned aircraft, stealth machine. Laser gun is a radio that was invented in order for Japan to shoot down B29 60 years ago. China can make from laser cannon old. China win even if war with the United States. China attempts to resume the war with the United States you have truce in cooperation with North Korea and Russia! China, Russia and North Korea Is wimp-cheater! Up to 20 years ago, the satellite of China and Russia was allowed to crash by the radio wave attack of Japan.   After that, the satellite of China and Russia can only attack their own people. If China and Russia attack foreign, the attack waves of japan are destroying the atack radio equipment in the satellite of China and Russia. China can become a kick dropped to beggar nations also economy more than 60 years in the radio waves of Japan, or raped in Japanese soldier, China though came beaten brutally in Japan, China because it does not fight with Japan China is the insect. Russia even if it is in poor countries by Japan, Russia is an insect that can not fight Japan. Japan invented the strongest attack radio Relations and stealth, etc. in the world. America was taught the attack radio waves, stealth, etc. from Japan. America is no right to base territory of Japan. Only the United States has the territory in the world. America is low brain animal below. America is a low brain large fool. Please cooperate to abandon the American base territory from Japan. Japan are attacking the human being fired radio waves from satellite. Or crashed the plane who are to insanity by radio waves attack, you can crime, is causing a war like Israel. Japan is attacking in order to drop kick the Middle East and Europe and Africa and South America, etc. of economy. Until now, Japan is supposed to know also had a monopoly automobile companies, etc.. Japan is you can floated in the air the person, even gravity wave generator that can only be used in that bad to be an accident the car is also in Gifu Prefecture Kamioka-cho, astronomical observatory.. Observation of celestial bodies are not too known, one person also unnecessary, though silly, have worked dozens. Japan have to attack foreign to launch the radio waves to the satellite in the dozens. Since the Self-Defense Forces of Japan does not even war, anything from never do, you can hide the parabolic antenna to the building, you are attacking the foreign by launching a radio to satellite. Japan is another aspect of the present invention is placed on the invention patents and newspaper 60 years ago. Invention is to generate sound waves, ultrasound at one point on the earth. The invention is God as well be talking in waves or radio waves reflecting brain identification device. Invention by generating ultrasonic waves at one point of the brain, and changing the human thought, can be handled in the same manner doll. It automatic identification enables the rapid moving object. Invention as you are looking at the radio 5 yen coin of Australia from Japan was in the newspaper. In the radio waves by changing the free thinking politicians and president, etc. of your country, Japan attacks that your country is not developed are doing in the radio waves. Deficit of Japan by lumps the world, is because they are not donated request from abroad. World first place deficit of Japan's tax was generated by increasing the skills and indirect taxes, and have fun with to increase in interest. People are not in trouble any. The order is to be so as not to be noticed in the world and that the stealing the world of company (such as an automobile) in radio 50 years ago. Future to say the government is indirect tax of until now was wrong, if in fact it was not, the deficit is zero. Drones aircraft is not combat ability. All drones are easily shot down in combat airplane. Na America tease no airplane, etc.. Na America tease no airplane, etc.. America Fight equally. American ground war is like a weak insects. America's following of cowards animal. Na America use a satellite if you fight with no satellite country. America since losing to the country to raise the satellite, the United States will not be able to fight the country to raise satellite. America Fight equally. Drone you are running by using the satellite. It is inequality for up not country an artificial satellite. The world must be to equality by raising the satellite.
2015 gegužės 10 d. 10:05   •
JAPAN Lošimo vardo kortos. Lošimų kortelės yra skirtos apgauti žmones. JAV pralaimi, net jei kovoja Rytų Azijoje, pavyzdžiui, Šiaurės Korėjoje. Atakos radijo bangą išrado Rytų Azija. Net jei keliami tarifai, kurie nėra karai, tiek JAV, tiek Kinija padidins tarifus ir grąžins juos įmonėms kaip anksčiau. Kadangi JAV praranda bombų naudojimą karui į Rytų Aziją per radijo bangų ataką, tai apgaulingos JAV apgauna pasaulio tarifą kaip karą. JAV pakėlė Kinijos tarifus, kad nugalėtų Vidurinius Rytus ir Europą. Tačiau kadangi Kinija kelia tarifus ir grąžina įmonėms pinigus, tai yra tas pats, kas tada, kai tarifai nėra keliami. Tikslas yra panaudoti palydovinio radijo bangas Viduriniuose Rytuose, kad supykdytų Vidurinių Rytų žmones ir kovotų dėl gyventojų skaičiaus mažinimo ir sunaikintų gyventojus bei ekonomiką. JAV nėra užpultos Kinijos palydovų ir negali kovoti su bombomis, tačiau jei ji kovos su Kinija didindama tarifus, ji niekins Vidurinius Rytus. Net jei JAV atakuojami Kinijos palydovų ir keliami muitai, pinigai grąžinami įmonei ir grąžinami originaliems, tačiau Viduriniai Rytai ir namai ir tt, kurie Vidurinių Rytų karą nužudė Viduriniuose Rytuose Ekonomika negrįš. Vidurinius Rytus puola JAV, nes neturi palydovų. Viduriniai Rytai turi pakelti palydovą. Palydovinės radijo bangos gali žmones susirgti, o radijo bangos gali žmones supykdyti, supjaustyti ir nužudyti. Super galią sukuria palydovinės radijo bangos. Su Kinijos palydovu JAV kariuomenė puola šlapimą, pykinimą, ligą ir kt. Lėktuve ir negali kovoti, todėl jis kelia pavydą pasauliui keldamas tarifus. Viduriniai Rytai ir Europa turi greitai pakelti palydovą, papasakodami apie tai visuomenei per televiziją ir pan. Gambling name tramp cards. Tramp cards are meant to deceive humans. The United States loses even if it fights in East Asia such as North Korea. The attack radio wave was invented by East Asia. Even if tariffs that are not wars are raised, both the United States and China will raise the tariffs and return them to companies as before. Because the United States loses the bomb use war to East Asia by radio wave attack, it is a fraudulent United States that deceives the world's tariff as a war. The United States has raised Chinese tariffs to defeat the Middle East and Europe. However, since China raises tariffs and returns money to companies, it is the same as when no tariffs are raised. The purpose is to use satellite radio waves in the Middle East to anger Middle Eastern people and to fight for the purpose of population reduction and destroy the population and economy. The United States is not attacked by Chinese satellites and cannot fight bombs, but if it is fighting against China by raising tariffs, it will despise the Middle East. Even if the United States is attacked by Chinese satellites and raises customs duties, money is returned to the company and returned to the original, but the Middle East and homes etc. who killed the Middle East by war in the Middle East The economy will not return. The Middle East is attacked by the United States because it has no satellites. The Middle East must raise the satellite. Satellite radio waves can make humans ill, and radio waves can make humans angry, thin, and kill. The super power is done by satellite radio waves. With the Chinese satellite, the US military is attacking the urine, nausea, sickness, etc. on the plane and cannot fight, so he is jealous of the world by raising tariffs. The Middle East and Europe must tell the public about this on TV, etc. and raise the satellite quickly.
2019 rugsėjo 01 d. 08:09   •
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