Kiekvieną semestrą studijas pagal Erasmus programą Lietuvos verslo kolegijoje pasirenka studentai iš Turkijos. Nespėjome pajusti, kaip ir šis pavasario semestras prabėgo ir kaip tenka atsisveikinti su užsienio studentais, su kuriais tapome puikiais draugais. Lietuvos verslo kolegijoje buvo suorganizuotos Erasmus išleistuvės. Žemiau publikuojame Turkijos studentų baigiamąją kalbą (kalba netaisyta).
"Dear Professors, teachers and students,
Today is our graduation for Erasmus. It's great honor for to speak to you today. The Erasmus was great for us, this was totally new experience.
One day I had a dream about being Erasmus student because I wanted to experience new cultures, make new friends and see beautiful European architecture and now all of these dreams came true. I don't regret to that I came to Klaipeda, it's beautiful city, people are so kind and friendly, clothes are very expensive but it's OK i found second-hand shops they are ‘'labai gerai''. I have lots of story to tell my family, my friends and relatives, thank for that.
It was the best time of my life. I have traveled in Poland, Latvia, Italy and France, it was amazing experience, I enjoyed my studies in college, and here I have experienced good relationships with my teachers.
Erasmus was magic travel which made our dreams came true, Erasmus program gave us a chance to come to Europe, meet international students from all over the world. Thanks to the students we learned about various traditions cultures, religions and holidays.
Great thanks to EU Visa which let us travel in Europe in a short time. All these things had a great impact an individual our worldview and developing us not only as students but also as individuals. Thanks to the teachers, it was great work with you, at the beginning this semester I was nervous about presentations, I didn't want to make presentations, but now I can present million of topics.
Follow your heart, follow your dreams. If you can dream it, you can do it, we did. Erasmus students, 2013, spring semester."
Nori ir tu patirti visas Erasmus teikiamas privilegijas? Rinkis studijas Lietuvos verslo kolegijoje.
Lietuvos verslo kolegija - tavo studijų gidas!
Lyderė pagal absolventų įsidarbinimą (tarp kolegijų Šiaulių ir Klaipėdos krašte, 2012 m. žurnalo “Veidas” reitingas ir Lietuvos darbo biržos duomenys)
Studijos Klaipėdoje Šiauliuose Vilniuje
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